Beyond Physical Training

💡Weekly Wrap Up🔎1/21/17

Train your body beyond just the physical aspect. Train your brain.  Set meal timers, get sleep and track water. 

All these are subtle support systems to get your body optimizing at the highest  level possible. 

I’m constantly hearing reasons WHY something can’t be done. Train yourself to come up with reasons to HOW something can be done. It’s all point of view my friends. If you can post that perfect  IG/FB photo and find that perfect quote….. you can log your food. Simple.

Stay fit my friends. 

#maptfitness #maptwrap #fitness #2017goals #focused #diets #environment #maptkrew #trainyourbrain #mealtimer #likeminded #goodenergy #myfitnesspal #summerbodiesNOW #personaltrainer

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